Jarvis' Case featured in The Nation; Jan. 22 Jazz Event Goes Virtual Due to Covid

Jarvis’ case has been featured in an editorial in The Nation, titled “Free Jarvis Jay Masters!” Journalist Tom Gogola urges the mainstream press to amplify Jarvis’ legal case and calls on Governor Gavin Newsom to address it, citing a recent state panel report that mentions Jarvis’ innocence claims and the disproportionality in sentencing in his capital case.

Writer Rebecca Solnit also mentioned Jarvis in her recent Lithub article, “Hope on Far Horizons,” about Kevin Strickland, whose exoneration after 43 years in Missouri prisons garnered national headlines this past Fall.

Meanwhile, recent Covid surges have led a Jan. 22, 2022 jazz performance inspired by Jarvis to go virtual. “Got My Wings,” is a dance triptych exploring the metaphor of light, freedom, and hope with an original score by Dan Blake and will be followed by a talk hosted by the Bethany Arts Community in Ossining (NY). Registration for the live event taking place at 4pm (EST) is free and open to the public here.