Jarvis' Story Featured in the New York Times

Jarvis’ story was featured in the New York Times in a guest essay by Rebecca Solnit. First posted online on April 22, the opinion piece also appears in the April 24 Sunday print edition as “Don’t Stop Believing That People Can Change,” and explores the inherent human capacity for transformation and the steep social costs we incur when that fact is dismissed.

Upon describing his legal case, Solnit writes, “in the years since [Jarvis’] metamorphosis, he has often defused potential violence and offered solace and a trustworthy ear to the sorrows of those around him,” but that “the legal system shows little interest in the strong case for his innocence,” and “seems uninterested in who he has become despite rather than because of it.”

Meanwhile, Jarvis is currently collaborating with the Compassion Prison Project on an upcoming interview series. In Brazil, his book Encontrando a Liberdade (Finding Freedom) has now been nominated for inclusion into the nation’s secondary school curriculum. More details will be forthcoming.