"Finding Freedom" translated into Brazilian Portuguese; released in Brazil by LeYa

“Finding Freedom” by Jarvis Jay Masters has now been translated into Brazilian Portuguese and “Encontrando a Liberdadewas just released in Brazil by LeYa, an editorial group that includes some of the most prestigious publishers in the Portuguese-speaking world. Brazil is the largest country in Latin America, and as home to 211 million people, is the world’s sixth most populous nation. Portuguese is the official language in this incredibly diverse multicultural and multiethnic nation.

Jarvis writes in his author’s note: “It is my hope that [Encontrando a Liberdade] goes on to help us find the best in ourselves no matter where we are, which country we come from, or what language we speak.”

In other news from San Quentin State Prison, Jarvis confirms that the GTL state phone lines are now regularly accessible on Death Row. He thanks his friends and supporters for having registered their concerns about the previous lack of access to the phones to authorities at San Quentin and the CA Dept. of Corrections and Rehabilitation.