"Finding Freedom" Included in Brazil's National Secondary School Curriculum

“Finding Freedom,” has been officially adopted into Brazil’s national secondary school curriculum, after being a finalist for Brazil’s federal PNLD grant (2021) , which funds one of the world’s largest state textbook adoption programs. Originally translated into Brazilian Portuguese as “Encontrando a Liberdade” by Marina Vargas and published in 2020 by LeYa Brasil/Casa Dos Mundos, the book was submitted by the publisher for inclusion into the country’s curriculum.

Jarvis’ book is among dozens of new titles that can now be chosen by educators for use with students ages 15-19 for at least the next three school years. The good news of the title’s widespread distribution was shared by the book’s publisher after a series of long pandemic and bureaucratic delays. All PNLD-selected books are accompanied by resource materials compiled by publishers for use in Brazil’s public schools.

Says Jarvis, “This is a testament that even in prison, you can have a voice. We never really know how far our voices can travel. As with all my writing, I hope “Encontrando a Liberdade” finds its way to those on the frontlines of nurturing youth: parents in particular and also professionals throughout Brazil—counselors, teachers, and policy-makers. May they hear the voices of abandoned, wounded, and trapped young people through my own story. To the youth reading my stories: I hope my book helps you find your way. As you become your own person, you might find that you’re capable of asking for help. That’s a big challenge because you might not see many good role models in your neighborhood. You have to propel yourself beyond what you’re seeing. Know we all have jewels in us. Don’t be afraid of taking any good opportunities that come along to make that change in your life. Finally, thank you to my team at LeYa for championing my book and insisting on a chance to be of benefit to people throughout Brazil.”