Jarvis' Case and Perspective On Pending Death Row Transfers Cited in the Guardian

Jarvis’ legal case and thoughts on the Condemned Inmate Transfer Program (CITP) were highlighted in a feature article, “The Last Days of Death Row in California,” in the Guardian today.

Reporter Sam Levin spoke to a number of individuals on San Quentin’s East Block and noted the variety of perspectives on the issue. While some residents may look forward to the mandated transfers, Jarvis explains why he would be against such a move: “You can put me in a place with a new basketball court or where I can wash my laundry or walk into a chow hall without shackles, but I’ll still be thinking about my status [as an innocent person on Death Row.]” The transfers do not nullify or alter any of California’s death sentences. Alongside him, many of Jarvis’ neighbors worry how transferring to far-flung facilities will affect their access to legal counsel and burden their loved ones nearby. They’re deeply concerned about how they would adjust after decades of living in single cells, and how their personal property and legal files may be jeopardized.

In the article, the California Department of Corrections & Rehabilitation (CDCR) stated there is a possibility some men might be relocated to other parts of San Quentin, and that there is currently no set timeline for the completion of the transfers. The CITP regulations are currently being re-drafted. The Governor’s general press release on the transfers can be found here with media coverage here and here.

UPDATE: On May 21, the Guardian’s “Today In Focus” podcast hosted by Hannah Moore featured reporter Sam Levin for an in-depth dive into why California is dismantling its death row. Jarvis recently shared his views with Levin on the pending death row transfers and is featured several times throughout the 30-minute episode.