Support for Jarvis Grows with Ongoing Media Coverage

Jarvis' legal case was featured in a segment on Sacramento’s KCRA News at 11pm with veteran TV news anchor Edie Lambert on November 21. Lambert interviewed Jarvis by GTL phone, and Kirkland & Ellis lead defense attorney Michael F. Williams, and Jeremiah Burchfield via Zoom. Jeremiah, the youngest son of Sgt. Howell Burchfield, has signaled his support for Jarvis on social media in the past, and told KCRA 3, "This is a man's life at stake. I don't want my father's death to be in vain. I don't want somebody innocent to be paying for it." Jeremiah shared that he recently wrote to Jarvis to say, "I was really proud of him for doing what he's done in his life with such limited resources." 

Jarvis has followed the recent press coverage, received Jeremiah's letter, and said, "I'm glad Jeremiah has done serious research on the case and stayed with it long enough to come to the right conclusion that I'm an innocent man. I'm humbled that he is getting a chance to speak out with his own truth and is contributing to seeking justice for his dad. It makes a big difference to everyone impacted by this."

On November 25, an op-ed by Jarvis' biographer and well-known author David Sheff appeared in USA Today. "As a society, if we cannot acknowledge these wrongful conviction cases and rectify them in a timely manner, [it’s] perpetuating injustice and we’re harming individuals, families and communities," he wrote.

A running list of press mentions are housed on this page.

UPDATE: In mid-December, KCRA 3 President and General Manager Ariel Roblin issued a 90-second video editorial highlighting how Jarvis’ story “reminds us to not give up” and how his resilience is “an advancement of the human spirit we rarely see.” When asked how he kept up hope, Jarvis responded, “I think it’s realizing I matter. Wherever I am. That I should count myself in.”